Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How can i find out what the names of the babies r that were born in St. Josephs Hospital in Burbank on Sept.2?

sept 4 st josephs hospital

How can i find out what the names of the babies r that were born in St. Josephs Hospital in Burbank on Sept.2?
Most hospitals have an online listing of the babies that were born with their photos. Of course, it's only there if the parents allow it. You can only find out first names, as they do not identify family names for safety reasons.

In addition, check your county newspaper. There they only list family names and whether it is a boy or girl. Big cities often don't have a listing these days.
Reply:Look at the maternity section then look for the photos they have you will need the parents names
Reply:I would imagine that information is confidential. You'll only know if you read the birth announcements in the paper, but those don't usually show up for a couple of months.
Reply:You can see the babies whose parents have made that information public, but you won't be able to find out the names of ALL of them. The parents have to sign a release to put those online photos up, and some choose not to. For THOSE babies, you're out of luck. It's confidential.
Reply:this is to u second question YOU CANT not 1995 that is thats to long ago!!! in ordwer to find out u r gonna have to call the records department for the state and pitition or sumthing for a birth certificate u might even have to go to the courts sorry but its not that easy since it is so long ago


this wesite is the hospitals website if u look on the left hand side of the website it says veiw online nursery


here u go if u click this link it will bring u straight to the baby nursery in burbank california st josephs hospital!!! when i found it though it is only showing babies born up to sept 2 so sept 4th babys are not up yet if this is the wrong hospital then type in on ur serch engine st josephs hospital in burbank!!! then on there website it will have a link saying baby nursery click on it and it will bring u to where u need to go

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