Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why are some people so against unusual baby names?

Whats so wrong with an unusual name? I know there are some silly and hard to spell names, but some are really nice.

I named my daughter Kya because it is pretty and also when she goes to school she hasnt got the same name as 10 other girls in her class!

Why are some people so against unusual baby names?
My name is Hope and that is a very uncommen name and I think people dont like common names cause they dont see them alot but not all people dont liek uncommon names!!! I know that I LOVE THEM!! In my classes it is sooooo annoying when there is 10 johns and 13 sarahs and so on lol. Bye the way Kya is one of the most beautiful names I have EVER HEARD!!
Reply:heya my name kulthum kassim so is that bad Report Abuse

Reply:I love unusual name's ... especially Kya.

Never would i dream of naming my kids something like Emma, Catherine, Lucy .. they are just so boring and dull.

Me and my bf are planning on starting a family soon and our kids are definatly not gonna have common names !!

If we had a girl, we wouldn't want her to be 1 of 3 in her class ... something like Whitney or Ashlyn .. simple names but quite unusual for kids these days =]
Reply:I have a very different name..I was the only one in school with it. I was fine with it. People ought to just mind their business and just name their kid a common name if they choose to do so. I like your daughters name. Now some names yes are bizarre like the actress who named her daughter Apple. That is kind of odd but hey its her kid right.
Reply:There's nothing wrong with it, but there is a tough period of time in there where kids tease others for their names, where you are constantly having your name misspelled or mispronounced, etc. When your daughter is older, she will probably appreciate her unusual name, but don't be surprised if there is a time period in there at some point where she gets frustrated with it.

I don't have an unusual name, but I do have an unusual spelling for my name, and no one EVER spells it right. Even after I tell them how to spell it. It's not a big deal, but after a while you get tired of seeing your name constantly misspelled.

Also, there is a reason classic names are classic. They have stood the test of time and when people hear them they don't think of anything other than putting that name to your face, as opposed to wondering what in the world your parents were thinking!

I think the classics are the best. But you never know. My son's name was almost unheard of when he was born 13 years ago and now every time I turn around there's some mom yelling that name out after her toddler!!! And I thought I was being so "unique". :-P
Reply:Because a child is not an accessory that you can name just to please yourself, that poor child has to live with that name. Prime example: Moses - what a stupid name for a child (Platrow named her baby this) and Apple, seriously, Apple???!?!! How ridiculous.
Reply:How do you say Kya? Key-a or Ki-ya? There's a problem right there.

I think it just makes it harder for your kid in the future. My parents gave me the name 'Kristena' and I've hated it all my life, because no one can ever spell it right, people don't know how to say it, and I could never find anything personalized with my name on it lol
Reply:thats a nice name my baby is aisha is arabic
Reply:Fear of change, overly opinionated, nosey, etc... Anyway, if you like the name you gave your child, then you should be happy and proud that you do not live in a little box that only consists of "normal" names.

Now, on the other side of the coin, there are the people that seem to deliberatley seek out the most unusual name they can find! I think unusual names are fine, just as long as they aren't out on a limb....like Apple! LOL!
Reply:Kya is a nice name. At the end of the day you can't please everyone. I like unusual names as opposed to the common traditional names.
Reply:There's absolutely nothing wrong with UNUSUAL names - it's the BIZARRE ones that bother me. Fifi Trixiebell, Peaches, Apple, Bluebell Madonna (we'll have a bloody orchard, soon)Some parents seem to forget that these children have to go through a good part of their lives with these names (I mean up until they can get rid of them by deed poll). And kids are cruel, no doubt about it. If something's different, they'll attack it. I read in a magazine not so long ago that it'd only be a matter of time before we get Ganja, Cocaine, etc. It's got to happen - either that or some bam will name their child KID!

By the way Kya is a lovely name.

Forgot to mention that other cracker "Heavenly Hirani Tiger Lily" that Paula Yates bestowed on her last child.
Reply:They're just jealous because that's a lovely name.
Reply:That's a very pretty name! And easy too! LOL I don't think it's unusual at all. Some people are just more traditional I guess.
Reply:I have a sort of common name but people are always spelling it wrong. wats rong wit the world! lol anyway i think cuz the people are hating that they couldn't have a beautiful name like the names people think of now. so some woman sitting on her couch is probably saying why did my parents have 2 name me Ana its so common" so she says that now nobody can have anm interesting name as long as i live. so basically they r HATERs!!! oh by the way Kya is a reall cute name.
Reply:I think unusal names are



and stand out

as long as they are easy to spell and say.
Reply:I know what you mean. My oldest daughter is Emma and there were three others in her class so she was always called by her full name. My youngest is Madison which isn't common but my second youngest is Cassidy and everyone knows who she is in school without a second name which is great.
Reply:Some people are just against anything out of the ordinary. It seems to inspire fear in many people. They (humans) are creatures more prone to familiarity, repetitiveness and uniform conformity more than inspirational creativity. Unusual names, people thoughts, tend to slowly crack away at the fragile eggshell of reality that many people tend to hid within.

Kya is extremely pretty name.

Good choice!
Reply:I feel the same way you feel. It doesnt matter. Either way, whether you go Brand new or old, some one will always have something to say. Screw the world. Its better that your child stands out and does not have to be another SARA or MICHEAL in the class. I totally agree with you, and KYA is a beautiful name...by the way!
Reply:maybe they r ur grand parents. coz if they wanted to put a name they would defenetly look for the meaning of the name.

so if they feel that there is no meaning they may not like that name
Reply:i think your daughter has a beautiful name , i havent heard of it before but i think its really sweet and it sounds as though she is lucky to have such a lovely mummy , enjoy her growing up
Reply:Be extremely careful when baby names are considered. Grown-ups with unusual names which sound rather foreign, funny, close to names of things can often become targets for

teasing, insults, bullying, etc.

Some time ago, I observed some people at a medical clinic started to become amused in a loud fashion when a guy's unique name was called out repeatedly by a nurse who mispronounced it. He was annoyed and corrected the nurse's

outrageous enunciation. I am sure his name must have been poorly pronounced in the past and he had wished for a name change.

Nothing much in a name, a title, etc, unique or not, whether for a person, film, brand or company. The important thing is for each of this entity to be unique in character, values, quality and to achieve a certain measure of success, monetary-wise or reputation.

My advice is to stick to familiar paths else some ppl will get lost or regret. No real big deal in a name. Notice most of the most successful people in the world have simple names, e.g Bill G___, Richard B____, Stephen H_____, Celine D______.Have a guess of their complete names.
Reply:yeah what's up with that?
Reply:Kya is actually pretty and not that unusual (sorry). But the problem with unusual names is that studies have proven that strange or unpopular names can actually have a negative effect on a person's success. Not to mention, these things happen in trends, look at Moon Unit and Rainbow - people automatically assume their parents were hippies. And the kid has to live with it. They make not like an unusual name when they are 25 and at a job interview. And some people really hate when they have to spell their name for everyone.

That's why if you really want an unusual name, I'm in favor of it being the middle name and calling them that, so that, they can always change to the nice, normal name if they want.
Reply:unusual names are good because then you don't get confused with other people that have the same name. But the problem is that children could get bullied by other children because their name is different. also if you go to a forign country people will understand a common name because they have a version in the other language (eg. Michael could become Miguel)

But the main point is if you like it and the child will like it it is fine.
Reply:I agree i love unusual baby names!!

Its rubbish when you go to school and they're all called "Emily" or "John" lol!
Reply:i love some unusual names the one you have chosen is great. my baby due soon is to be called isolda seyora (queen bouducas daughters). a friend has a child called pixie and although i think its very pretty i also believe she will get some flack at school about it
Reply:Kya is really pretty. I have a friend named moon. I like the name Skye also.

I think people just want something to complain about. Theres nothing wrong with unusual names.

"Whats in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"- shakespeare
Reply:While I can appreciate that people want their children to stand out, when you鈥檙e a child, the only thing you want is to belong. Having an unusual name makes it difficult to be one of the crowd, especially when even the adults can鈥檛 spell or pronounce it.

The other thing to remember is that what sounds like a lovely name in one language may mean something less lovely in another 鈥?Kya for instance sounds like the word for Servant鈥檚 quarters (and not nice ones either) in some parts of Africa.

The fact is that there are always names that are 鈥榠n鈥?or 鈥榦ut鈥? but there are so many so-called 鈥榰sual鈥?names in English (not to mention Welsh, Scottish or Irish) that there is no need to call children things like Pixie or Apple or Heavenly Hirani Tigerlily just to be different. It鈥檚 more about parents making a statement than thinking about how their children will cope with being unusual.
Reply:In the ENGLISH language there actually are no unusual names ...................Only..... Poorly spelled ones.
Reply:some names that are given to child are plain cruel, and will be difficult for them to deal with later in life. if the name is still 'normal' but unusual then its ok but most of the time they just feel sorry for the child. its names like phoenix and honey that make me :S cos it might sound cute on a baby but how will they feel as teens and adults etc. i think kya is a pretty name.
Reply:some people dont like change
Reply:I got a good one Na'ama, which is an Arabic name that means water nymph.

And Chava'tal, Hebrew or Jewish , that means bread of life.

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