Sunday, August 22, 2010

What do you think of Weird Baby Names?

Is it just me or do people on here try to find the weirdest, most annoying baby names just to be different? I just don't understand it.

What do you think of Weird Baby Names?
I think they are weird
Reply:As a rule, I am a fan of traditional names. Parents who give their children strange names are setting their children up for a really rough time once they hit school age. Even taking a traditional name and giving it some insane way of spelling it will cause potential problems as the child spends her life telling people, "that's CYNTHIA, except it's spelled S-I-N-T-H-I-A."

Both of my daughters have very traditional names that lend themselves well to nicknames and if either one ends up on the Supreme Court or perhaps as president, they can be called by their first names or even the nicknames.

I know that every parent wants their child to be unique and different, but saddling them with a whackadoodle name is not the way to start that child off.
Reply:I think there are a lot of teenagers who think it's cute to spell everything with a Y or come up with a "unique" spelling

I don't think a lot of parents even realize that there are plenty of studies showing children with odd names get worse grades and are over-represented among emotionally disturbed children. They are also less likely to graduate from high school, and prospective employers are less likely to interview a candidate who has an unusual name on their resume.
Reply:I have seen some weird ones on here too. I have asked about a few of the names that I like and I get bashed for the spellings. But I am spelling it to match the end of my name for a little girl because that is what my husband wants. We are naming our little girl Ryleigh Anne and I have been told that I need to spell it Riley.
Reply:I love them! I do also like traditional names though. My children's names are; Emaeva "Maeve" Grace (eh MAY vah), Adelina "Addy" Rose (ah deh LEEN ah), and Sebastian "Sebby" Malachi (seh BASH chuhn). We are planning to adopt another set of boy/girl twins, in China. They were born the day after my biological daughter Emaeva (Oct. 5th). We are picking them when they are 3 mos. We are planning to name them; Evaline "Evie" Sage (eeh VAH line), and Montgomery "Monty" Jackson (mont GUM urry). So all in all I like a little bit of both!
Reply:What's your definition of weird? Now, if you're talking about Shanaynay or some a**backwards spelling of a name, then yes. Other than that, so long as it's a name that sounds good and doesn't leave you going, "wtf?", who am I to say anything?
Reply:some names are just plain crazy. i really don't like it when people use wierd spellings of common names...its better to pick a unique name with a traditional spelling.
Reply:I'm not surt why they choose the names they do. They sure aren't thinking about the child though. That poor thing has to go through the rest of their life stuck with mom and dad's bad decision.
Reply:weird names r in fashion

ppl r crazy over weird names they sound cool
Reply:i think it's just because common names are boring...and since it's their baby, they can.

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