Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What do you think of these baby names?

I like Benjamen for a boy and Bethany for a girl. Spelling is subject to change.

What do you think of these baby names?
love Benjamin (%26lt;this spelling)

hate Bethany.

Reply:If I have a daughter i would name her either Silken of Cookie

If I have a son I would name him either Blake or Jason.

or Rouge for a uni sex name

I like Bethany, but Benjamin is a very common name. At least Ben is. I know like 20 different Bens. Try something different if it's a boy. Unless You really like that name or it has a special meaning to it or something.
Reply:They're darling!!!! I have a best friend named Beth, a nickname for Bethany. I have a cousin named Ben, a nn for Benjamen.

As for other spellings:








Reply:i love the nickname Ben... but Benjamin is the spelling I prefer. I don't like Bethany as much only because I know a really annoying Bethany... but Bethany is very rare so she won't know very many others! Beth is an adorable nickname though!
Reply:I love it!

But Benjamin looks much better :)

I do think they are a bit similar for siblings (especially twins).

What about Benjamin and Elizabeth? Or Benjamin and Stephanie?

Both are very nice names though!

Reply:I like them both, in fact I know a family--the eldest, a son, is named Ben James. His first sister is Bethel Grace. Then there's Amber Joy and Cherry Hope.

TX Mom

Reply:are you looking for something that starts with a B in specific?

I think those are great names. I also like Brody and Becca too .

good luck and congratulations if your expecting! :)
Reply:I like really Benjamen, but I don't particularly like Bethany.
Reply:Benjamen would be cute. Im not a fan of Bethany though.

Benjamin would be a better spelling though.
Reply:I like Benjamin, spelled that way.

And I strongly dislike Bethany. How about something cuter?
Reply:very cute names...

Reply:I dislike Bethany but I love Benjamen preferably spelled as is!
Reply:I like the boy name you could use like, Ben for a nickname. Sorry I dont like the girl name though.
Reply:those are fine...i'm not a big fan of benjamen, but bethany is sweet...i would prefer not to use a nickname such as beth though.
Reply:Absolutlely love bethany bejamin is ehhh....hope i helped! =)
Reply:Harry, Balsame

Dick Fitzwell

Kraven Forehead

Mike Hunt

Mike Lit

Willie Gethardagain

\Jack Meoff
Reply:i like them both but dont call your daughter Beth. BATHANY NOT BETH!!!!!!! not beth not beth!!!! spell it with an I : bethani
Reply:those r kool names. especially bethany i love that name
Reply:the boy name is okay but the girl name sucks
Reply:I think they are typical trailer park names.
Reply:i would spell benjamen benjamin.

the names are ok
Reply:OMG!! I love tose names also i have some, john and madie or madiline :] i like those
Reply:benjamen is wackk
Reply:I love Benjamin (spelled this way). I don't like really like Bethany, but honestly I don't know why I don't like it.*
Reply:Really cute I love the name Benjamen.

Bethany is really cut 2
Reply:Like them both but be prepared for them to be called Ben and Beth their entire lives.
Reply:They seem kind of old fashion but they're cute especially if its twins

Reply:You get a gold star for these great names!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Not a huge fan of them, but they're OK. Benjamin works a lot better for me than Benjamen.
Reply:They both start with a B so no but i like the boy's name not the girl's name.sorry.
Reply:They're okay. I personally wouldn't name my kids either one of those, but it's not my child. =)

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