I have several names on my list that I absolutely love, and I'm not expecting kids or anything. Do guys think about that stuff too or is it a girl thing? Like, are baby names really important to guys? Do they usually have names that their hearts are set on using like lots of us females?
Do men have baby names they really like?
My husband doesn't have like..a mental list of names that he likes the same way I do. However, he has no problems telling me that I'm crazy if I throw out a name or comment on one he likes that he hears. For instance, our waitress one night was name Annalee, and that has become one of his favorite names.
Reply:well im young 15 but most guys my ag dont lucky i got one that does! and its kinda cute cuz hes alot better at the girls!
i think guys have a mental list of what they like adn dont like.
%26amp; my boyfriend sure doesnt mind tellin me how he feels about a name lol
some girls names he like that i thought were cute were jada, sophie, arianna, abigail
but when i asked him about boys 0_0 you wouldnt believe lol
he said stuff like harry, joe, stewie
personally i thought he was Crazii lol
Reply:Lol yea most boys (like my bf) seem to like tough guy names...some which are rediculous, my bf loves Brock...or like Bruce Wayne haha, and this dumb wrestler guy from Brazil Minataro Guerra....and guys say we're rediculous! I know for girls he kinda likes slutty names lol like Veronica and stuff...but all and all I know he'd let me name it whatever I wanted, i think names mean much more to girls.
Reply:I think some do, and they are very aware of how the name will sound with the different child, and then then there are some men(like women) who really don't think it thru, and they end up with ridiculous names, that you would never name your child that!
Reply:Me and my boyfriend are both nineteen, and he has a few names he likes. LOL. He only thought of them when I asked though, he told me he "Really likes the name Emma." - Thats my niece's name. haha. he's cute! %26amp; apparently he likes my name and the nickname "Ari" for a girl.
Reply:Oh yes! My friend was determined to name his son after his name only reversed. His name is Joseph timothy and he married his wife and when they found out there child was a boy, he wouldnt let her choose any other name. He named his child, Timothy Joseph. talk about an involved (yet stubborn) daddy!!
Reply:My boyfriend has names he really likes.
Reply:I think it depends on the guy.
Reply:yes tyler or dewanye
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