Ok, We are still trying to figure out what to name our little girl. We have narrowed it down to Jayden Lilly, Addyson Kate, Addy Kate, Elle Merie, Ella Lillian, and Cadence Emma. Which one do you like best?
What do you think of these 2 baby names for a little girl?
I like Addyson Kate the best!
Reply:Out of all those common names, it's hard to choose a favorite. I suppose I would settle for Ella Marie.
Jayden Lilly: Jayden is an ugly, masculine name.
Addyson Kate: Kate is filler, Addyson is masculine and misspelled.
Addy Kate: Addy is too informal to stand alone.
Elle Merie: Merie is misspelled and Elle is too informal to be a first name.
Ella Lillian: Ella is too informal, but Lillian is fine; they don't work well together though. Too many L's make the name hard to say.
Cadence Emma: Both common and it doesn't flow well.
Reply:None of them, but wdik?
At least, if you insist on being trendy, please use regular spellings (Addison, not Addyson).
Also why is a disease such a popular name? I'm referring to Addison's disease:
For that matter, do you want this child to be in a marching band? True, the name Cadence might inspire her to join a drumline:
Reply:I like Ella or Emma, I like the name Addison, but you spelled it Addyson, and that just dont look right. I also like the name Lilly. Good Luck and Congrats
Reply:I love Cadence Emma, it's cute and unique. I also like Jayden Lilly, but I think Lily Jayden sounds better. Hope this helps and congrats.
Reply:Jayden Lilly! Ella Lillian!
Reply:Elle Kate - although Elle looks more like a nickname.
I think they other are pretty popular.
As well as, Candace sounds better then Cadence. So if it was Candace Emma that would be my choice.
Reply:Addyson Kate
Ella Lillian
Jayden is a boys name i think :/
Owell :D
Reply:Addyson Kate is one of our top 10 girls names as well only we spell it Addison. I also like Ella, Emma and Lillian. The only name I don't really like is Jayden.
Best wishes!!!!
Reply:I like Addyson Kate(best), and Cadence, my girls names are Teneal Jazmenn, Taylor Le'An, and Tarynn Lynnze
Reply:Ella Lillian sounds so pretty and feminine!
Reply:Jayden Lilly
Reply:Addyson Kate
Reply:Of those choices, I prefer Addyson Kate.
Reply:Jayden Lilly and Addyson Kate are both really cute!
Reply:I love Ella Lillian!
Reply:addison kate (i don't like the y)
Cadence merrie (emma doesn't go to well)
Reply:I really like jayden lilly and Elle merie.
Reply:addyson kate.
Reply:Elle marie
the rest are too masculine.
Reply:Jayden Lilly
Cadence Emma
those are my favorites
Reply:jayden lilly
Reply:jayden lilly :D. good luck!
Reply:I like Cadence.
Reply:what about Ella Merie?!?!
but if not i guess i like Ella Lillian the best
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