Jambalaya Oregano or Manicotti Tiramisu?
Of course, these are girls names.
I'm a chef and cooking is my life, but my wife does not like my choices for baby names. What do you think?
Hahaha...thanks for the laugh :)
What about Souffle Calzone? Or Ricotta Parmesan?
Unless you're serious...than we have a problem.
Reply:Ha-ha - I had to smile at this. I typically don't waste my time answering absurd questions, but I couldn't help but think of this in terms of my family. My husband is a plumber, a very good one at that and well respected in his field. I just couldn't help thinking of the baby names he could have come up with if he used professional terminology as his inspiration. Glad I'm married to an intelligent guy.
Reply:What about the following options instead...
Sage (after the herb)
Bannock (Scottish for "unleavened oat bread")
Shad (a common food fish in Europe and America)
Tamar ("date palm")
Cassia (may represent the name of the spice cinnamon)
Ginger, Anise, Salvia (spice-related names)
Edit: For a girl, you could also consider the names Roma and Brie. I didn't realize that there are so many real names that are food-related! LOL
Reply:If you're serious:
How about names like
Or something other than food like:
Adelaide ~ German ~ Noble / Kind
Amelia ~ German ~ Work of the Lord
Aoife (ee-fah) ~ Gaelic ~ Joyful
Artemis ~ Greek ~ Gift of the Gods
Audrey ~ German ~ Noble Strength
Aurora ~ Latin ~ Dawn
Caprice ~ Italian ~ Playful
Cassandra ~ Greek ~ Inflaming Men with Love
Cosette ~ Greek ~ Victory of the People
Dahlia (doll-ya) ~ Scandinavian ~ from the Valley
Daphne ~ Greek ~ Laurel Tree
Delia ~ Latin ~ Daughter of the Sea
Diana~ Greek ~ Divine
Eliza ~ Hebrew ~ Oath of God
Ella ~ Greek ~ Light
Felicity ~ Latin ~ Happiness
Grace ~ Latin ~ Grace of God
Iseult (ee-solt) ~ Welsh ~ Fair One
Isobel ~ Scottish ~ Consecrated to God
Joanna ~ Hebrew ~ God is Gracious
Juliet ~ French ~ Soft-haired
Leona ~ German ~ Brave as a Lioness
Lexi ~ Greek ~ Protector of Men
Liesl (lee-sel) ~ English ~ God is boutiful
Lottie ~ French ~ Little
Lydia ~ Greek ~ Maiden from Lydia
Marian ~ Old English ~ Graceful Star of the Sea
Mercedes ~ Spanish ~ Mercies
Michaela ~ Irish ~ Who is like God
Monica ~ Greek ~ Solitary
Nora ~ Greek~ Light
Odette ~ Anglo-Saxon ~ Little Wealthy One
Odilia ~ Anglo-Saxon ~ Little Wealthy One
Phaedra (fay-drah) ~ Greek ~ Bright
Rose ~ Latin ~ Unconcious Love
Samantha ~ Armaic ~ Listener
Soleil (soh-lay) ~ French ~ The Sun
Tabitha ~ Hebrew ~ Roe-Buck
Twila ~ French ~ Twilight
Veronica ~ Latin ~ True Image
Violet ~ English ~ Modesty
Reply:If you lived in New Orleans those would be the perfect name but any where else it maybe looked down on why don't you go with fruit or sweet like
Sunflower in Spanish Marisol
idk I think you can come up with a good combo no pon intended
Also try it in a different language it may sound better
Reply:Plz dont name the girl a food name! The child will be teased for the rest of her life! If I HAD to chose from the two I would pick Jambalaya Oregano but thats just a horrible name, no offense...How about Alexie, Zoey, Leah, Willow or Kendyll? Those are regular cute names...
Reply:Your daughter doesn't need to have a food name just because you are a cook. My husband works in an office but we didn't name our daughter "Stapler" or "Water cooler". Why not choose a normal name so your daughter doesn't get made fun of?
Reply:If you love your occupation enough and like those names, go for it. How about Cocoa Tiramisu? I think that's cute, or Cinnamon Custard =)
good luck and grats
Reply:You can point out they are much better than Velveeta Dorito and Beanie Weenie.
Reply:How about making it a name that won`t get them made fun of. These are girls names for beautiful girls.
Reply:They are horrible names! Your career does not have to come through on your choice of children's names. Find some boundaries. These are real little people who need REAL names.
Reply:How about Jamaya Olivia or Manuela Terri?
You could call Manuela Mani.
I agree with your wife.
Reply:You want to name her after food?
i actually kinda like Manicotti haha not really
Reply:Macaroni Cheese
Reply:Sorry but i agree with your wife
Reply:How about Mirepoix, or Veloute?
Reply:u have to think about what people will say about your daughters name and how she'll feel when she grows up and knows shes named after food
Reply:Name her Quiche Lorraine. She can go by Lori for short.
Reply:I agree w/ ur wife i would never want my baby girl to be named after a food.. sorry and hope this helps%26lt;3 but ur opinion and ur wifes are what count!
Reply:That's funny but if you're serious DON'T YOU DARE.
Reply:Rose gave some great choices...I can't top them....
Reply:Are you serious? Don't torment your kid like that!
Reply:why would u want to name your child that? i agree with your wife!!!
Reply:this is a joke.
are you bored?
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