I don't like my boyfriend names.
He don't like mine/
Our family hate both.
My friends potential names stinks.
I just want a good name.
Who is tired of thinking about potential baby names?
My husband and I had the toughest time agreeing also. So we both tried a baby book which most of the names were silly, stupid, and would eventually cause teasing once our child was old enough to go to school. So we decided to get a tablet and pen. We wrote out all the names we have heard and liked. It took us quite a while to write our lists. I wanted to make sure we have every acceptable name that we could possibly think of. We then swapped tablets and put stars next to the ones we matched on and went from there. If you don't match you can negotiate on the ones you do enjoy. We did have trouble with our daughters name since I hate most female names =/ I wanted Sarah and he said it was old fashioned. Our daughters name is Sarah lmao.
Reply:You and your boyfriend should keep your name a secret, so you can't be influenced by friends or family. Noone will complain about the name when they see your baby's cute little face.
To find middle ground with your bf, try this:
Each of you make a list of 20 of your favorite names. Swap lists and cross off 10 that you just can't stand. Now you have to frget about those 10 and never bring them up again. Now keep eachothers list of 10 for a few days, think about the names, and let them grow on you. After a few days, cross off 5 more names that will never be mentioned again. Now give those names a few days to sink in and grow on you and cross off 3 more names. This leaves you with 4 names that you can mix and match to create a cute, agreed upon name!
Good luck!
Reply:Well, i say do whatever name you like, no, lOVE, and i think you will know what would be the right name for your baby.I looked on the internet for unique baby names, but i stopped, because i thought, are they unique if you're looking for them on the computer? So try a name that you know, will be right for your baby. And, does your boyfriend have the right to pick a name, your the one giving birth, lol just kidding
Reply:Yeah it's frustrating! I never gave the family any input because all that really mattered to us was that WE liked it and that the baby would like it and not be teased. After making about 9 lists of baby names that I liked and my husband vetoing every single name, he finally picked the first and middle name from key chains that we saw in a tourist shop and they were both names that I had on the lists! lol Oh well
Reply:Well, if you're not happy about your name you could go about changing it to something different. Honestly, I think that's an extreme route to take. However, if you're looking for a good name(s) for your child(ren) and neither one of you can come to a resolution on the names, you can either ask some others for their opinions or try something different. Get on the internet and start researching different names you like. There are plenty of websites out there that have a wide variety of names that could from different people, religions, countries, languages, etc,. You might be surprised what you'll stumble across just by doing some simple research. However, before turning to the internet, I'd recommend going to a local bookstore and purchasing a huge book of names to go through and see if there's anything you might like in there. Names have never really be a problem for me. Below are a few sites where you can find many of the different names throughout the world.Anyways, hope this helps.
Reply:My husband and I both said the same boy/girls names on the day we found out and we've stuck with them so far!
We are NOT telling anyone them though so they can't ruin them for us... Including well meaning family.
Take a break from thinking about it! Both write down 5 names each that you like, put them in an envelope, forget about them and come back in a month and see if you still love/hate them!
Reply:I know, tiring. But just keep thinking of ones you like. And tell your boyfriend to keep thinking and if you STILL don't find one you agree on, then you both pick a name you really like the best and one is middle, and one is last.... It doesn't really matter if your family likes it, I don't think because it's your baby!!
good luck!
answer mine? plz? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...
thank u %26amp; i can rlly use some help!^
Reply:I am!! Im in the same situation...my boyfriend hates the names I pick..I hate the ones he picks and everyone else always has an opinion. I am sick of thinking about it but I need one in the next month!! Pick whatever YOU like best. You will be the one saying it all the time!!
Reply:Oh I agree! And I completely know how you feel...
I am due in just 9 days and still not 100% sure on a name.
I figure when I see her for the first time, I will just know.
And I am not taking anyone else's opinion to heart, since I am the one who carried her for 9 months!
Reply:Ok so if u really need help on this just pick a name you have not yet thought of like: Emily Faith
Bella Alexia
Marley Hope
Ashley Sofia
Annokee Chally
Need more help?? feel free to contact me or go to this link:
Glad I could help %26amp; good luck!!
Reply:lol.....I know how you feel!
We've got a boy "first" name picked out, but can't think of a middle name to go with it, and I can't think of a girl name at all!
I get a headache just from looking at names now, lol!
Reply:You can take some ideas from celebrity her: http://celebry.net
Reply:AMEN TO THAT!!!! lol I feel the same exact way. and she's gonna be here in 6 weeks, maybe I'll just wait till after she's born then it will be easier lolol.
Reply:I am tired of that too
Come up with a name that you both like and use them both
Reply:Maybe you just need to let the subject rest. I changed my baby's name when I saw her face anyway.
Reply:Ahw, that麓s too bad! Good luck!
At least that麓s one good thing about being alone: I can pick every name I like ;)
Reply:Im naming my daughter Camille Reigh Turner
Reply:I like the name Anderson.. or Cooper.. or Cal as in Calvin.. yeah
Reply:each pick a name that u really like and then combined them
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