I do take it a little personally because I find it to be rude. I was raised to be polite and courteous unlike some people I know.
Do you take it personally when someone says they hate your choice of baby names?
Abit...but I usually just think to myself "Ah well, that person has bad taste." Hihihi :D
Reply:I've been hurt by family members saying they didn't like my name choices. I've learned to keep it secret until its on the BC, once its on paper its hard for them to say they don't like it!
Reply:I dont think it would. It would be MY kid lol %26amp; I can name it whatever I please ;) I would think of it as unique lol
Reply:i gave my baby an unusual name.
before she was born people commented and most didnt like it.
now she's here people say 'what a lovely name'
people are so two faced,
anyway what i'm trying to say is when the baby is here no one will tell you they dont like the name to your face!!
Reply:No. If its your baby who cares what anyone thinks. If you gave names as suggestions, then still. Who cares. You did your best to help.
Reply:I wouldn't. Nobody likes the names I like and I could care less.
Reply:I don't take it personally when people don't like them on Yahoo Answers, but I do when its my family and friends that hate them.
Reply:No, but that would be so rude. When my son was born, we named him Garrett Felipe. Felipe is his father's first name. In the hospital there was then one hispanic nurse who kept calling him little Felipe. I kept telling her that wasn't his name and to please call him Garrett. She just kept calling him little Felipe. It really bothered me at the time.
Reply:No. Don't care what people think, it's mine to take care and raise and name it
Reply:No, not usually. I actually don't give a s#!t what people think most of the time. That's their opinion. I can just ignore them. I do get upset about it sometimes though, just very rarely.
Reply:Absolutely not. Everyone has their own personality and the baby names you choose are part of it. If someone doesn't like the names you chose it's just that. They wouldn't choose it just like there are probably a lot of names you wouldn't choose for your kids either. I have friends whose kids names fit them perfectly but I would never choose them as my own and that's okay because it's all part of giving them their own identities. Name your children what you want, not what anyone else thinks you should.
Reply:Not really because in the end its your choice anyway. It would not bother me.
Reply:I don't REALLY stress off of it, but it does irk me a little bit. If you're really concerned, I would wait until announcing the name when the baby is born. That way, anyone who judges you for the name you chose is going to seem like a jerk, lol.
: )
Reply:We didn't tell ANYONE what we were naming our son, because it probably would have influenced my decision and we were having problems coming up with names as it was.
With #2, who is a girl, we haven't shared w/ others, but I don't know if we will keep it a secret until she's born. I am pretty set and I don't care what others think because I really like it!
Reply:Listen, if a lot of people say they hate the name you picked maybe you should listen. It isn't a judgement on you as a person they just don't like the name. That dislike of the name will be carried over to the kid when they get older. Do you think these people who didn't like the name are unique or crazy and everyone else won't agree? If the name is really far out there it could impact the kid's lives in a negative way once school starts or later in life.
As for the person who said people stopped saying eew and started saying what a lovely name after the kid was born. It's because there is nothing they can do now to change your mind- the kid is stuck with a bizarre name and that is that.
Reply:No. Especially if it's someone on here - I don't even know them, so why should I care. But I do like hearing their opinion, nonetheless, because maybe they see something in it that I don't - possible name calling opportunities or inappropriate names for a work place.
Reply:I will get a bit irritated. Obviously you won't be happy when someone says they hate your choice, especially about your baby's name. However, If I really love the name I pick, people can rest assured that I will smile and go on with my choice. At the end, he/she is my baby not theirs.
Reply:it hurts for a minute but then i know its my kid not theirs, and their name probably sucks anyway
Reply:no because it's their opinion. no matter what you name your baby, it's your babies name and he/she has to be called that.
Reply:i have kept it a secret so that noone can comment
Reply:yes. i work hard ot pick out names that not only sound nice to me, but i also think that the names are suitable and they are meaningful to me
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